Privacy Policy


At, your privacy is of utmost importance to us. We are committed to protecting it through our comprehensive Privacy Policy. Please read this policy carefully to understand how we collect, use, share, and protect your personal information. This policy also outlines your rights and choices regarding your information, and how you can contact us about our privacy practices. If you are an end user or visitor, this policy explains your rights as a data subject, including your right to object to certain uses of your personal information.

This Privacy Policy applies to the personal information we collect from various sources, as described in the “Personal Information We Collect and How We Collect It” section below.



An “Affiliate” is any entity that currently or in the future (i) directly or indirectly owns, controls, is owned or controlled by, or is under common ownership or control with us, or (ii) operates under the same management as us.

B2B Party

A “B2B Party” is a customer, supplier, vendor, or business partner—whether an individual sole proprietor or a legal entity—with whom we have a business relationship. This party provides us, directly or indirectly, with B2B Representative and/or End User Personal Information in connection with their or their representatives’ use of our products or other engagements with us.

B2B Representative

A “B2B Representative” is an individual who works for or represents a B2B Party. If the B2B Party is a sole proprietorship, the B2B Representative is the sole proprietor.

End User

An “End User” is an individual who does business with or interacts with a B2B Party but does not directly interact with us.

Personal Information

“Personal Information” includes any data that identifies or relates to an individual or can be combined with other data to identify an individual, regardless of whether it is regulated by law.


“Processing” means any action or set of actions performed on Personal Information. This includes collecting, recording, organizing, structuring, storing, adapting, altering, retrieving, consulting, using, transmitting, disseminating, or making data available in any way, as well as aligning, combining, restricting, or erasing Personal Information. The terms “Process,” “Processes,” and “Processed” should be interpreted accordingly.


“Product(s)” refers to the range of products and services we offer, including software, software-as-a-service, support and maintenance, professional services, and hosting services.


A “Visitor” is (i) any individual visiting our website, including B2B Representatives or End Users, or (ii) anyone communicating with us who is not a B2B Representative or End User. For clarity, a B2B Representative or End User is considered a Visitor only concerning their activities on the website.


“Website” means any publicly accessible site hosted by or on behalf of our company that is not part of a Product.

You and Your

“You” and “Your” refer to a B2B Party, B2B Representative, End User, or Visitor, depending on the context within this Privacy Policy. If the context is not specific, “You” or “Your” collectively refers to all these entities.

Understanding Our Role at Auth-Analytics: Processor vs. Controller

Our Role as a Data Processor

At Auth-Analytics, we frequently function as a data processor. This means we handle personal data based on the instructions from our B2B clients, without determining the purposes or methods of processing that data. When we manage personal information to deliver our services to a B2B client, we adhere strictly to their instructions as outlined in our agreements, including any data privacy agreements or addenda (collectively referred to as a “B2B Agreement”).

Please note that this Privacy Policy does not cover scenarios where we act as a processor.

  • For B2B Clients: If you are a B2B client and we process personal information on your behalf, you are responsible for providing necessary privacy notices and disclosures to your representatives and end users regarding how their personal information is processed. This Privacy Policy cannot be relied upon to fulfill your disclosure obligations.
  • For B2B Representatives and End Users: If your personal information is processed by us as a processor, please refer to the privacy notices provided by the B2B client you are associated with. They are responsible for informing you about their privacy practices.

Our Role as a Data Controller

In certain situations, Auth-Analytics acts as a data controller. This occurs when we determine the purposes and means of processing personal information, especially when processing activities are not strictly necessary for providing our services but are related to them. This Privacy Policy applies when we are the controller.

  • For B2B Clients: When we act as a controller of personal information received from you or on your behalf under a B2B Agreement, we are responsible for providing privacy notices and disclosures to your representatives. You must comply with applicable laws, which may require you to inform or obtain consent from your representatives before allowing us to process their data. Consider including us in your privacy policy and notifying your representatives of our privacy practices by linking to this Privacy Policy.
  • For B2B Representatives: When we control your personal information, this Privacy Policy explains our privacy practices, including the data we collect, how we use it, how we share it, your rights, and how to contact us. Additionally, you should review the privacy notices of the B2B client you are associated with for further information on their practices, including any data transfers to us.
  • For Visitors: If you visit, we act as a controller of your personal information. We manage your data according to this Privacy Policy and any direct agreements we may have with you. This policy provides details on our data collection, usage, sharing, and your rights and choices regarding your personal information.

Part I: Information for All Individuals (Subject to Applicable Law)

Personal Information We Collect and How We Collect It

For B2B Representatives: Categories and Sources of Personal Information

When acting as a B2B representative, we collect various types of personal information from several sources:

Types of Personal Information:

  • Identifiers: This includes your full name, postal address, email address, IP address, phone number, and login details.
  • Financial Details: Such as your bank account, credit card, or debit card numbers.
  • Commercial Data: Records of products or services you have purchased, considered, or obtained.
  • Internet Activity: Information regarding your interactions with our website.
  • Geolocation Data: Your approximate physical location derived from your IP address and/or Wi-Fi networks.
  • Professional Details: Information such as your job title, employer, and current employment status.

Sources of Personal Information:

  • Your Employer or Business Partners: Information we receive from the company you work for or do business with.
  • Directly from You: Information you provide through direct communications or interactions.
  • Product Usage: Data collected from your usage of our products.
  • Website Interactions: Information gathered through cookies and automated data collection technologies during your website visits.
  • Third-Party Vendors: Data received from external vendors, such as data brokers.
  • Our Affiliates: Information shared within our affiliate network.
  • Third-Party Channel Partners: Data obtained through our business partnerships.
  • Public Sources: Information available from public records or online databases.

For End Users

Auth-Analytics does not control any personal information from end users.

For further details or specific inquiries, please reach out to us directly. We prioritize your privacy and data security.

For Visitors

At Auth-Analytics, we collect certain personal information from various sources when you visit our site. Here’s an overview of the types of data we collect and their sources:

Types of Personal Information We Collect:

  • Identifiers: This includes your name, email address, phone number, and IP address.
  • Internet Activity: We track your browsing history, search history, and interactions with our website, such as the duration of your visit, the number of pages you view, and your search queries.
  • Geolocation Data: This includes your approximate physical location, which we derive from your IP address and/or Wi-Fi networks.

Sources of Your Personal Information:

  • Directly from You: Information you provide through direct communication or other interactions.
  • Your Website Usage: Data collected through your activity on our site, including cookies and automated technologies.
  • Referral Submissions: Information gathered through our referral program.
  • Third-Party Vendors: Data we receive from our service providers.
  • Affiliates: Information shared by our affiliated entities.
  • Channel Partners: Data from our third-party channel partners.
  • Publicly Available Sources: Information from publicly accessible sources.

At Auth-Analytics, we prioritize transparency and aim to provide a clear understanding of our data collection practices.

How We Use and Share Your Personal Information

For B2B Representatives

At Auth-Analytics, we manage your personal information for the purposes listed below, adhering to the relevant legal bases:

a. Identifiers

We collect identifiers such as your name, postal address, email address, IP address, phone number, and login details. We use this information to:

  • Respond to your inquiries, handle complaints, and communicate with you.
  • Provide and manage your product orders.
  • Enhance and upgrade our products.
  • Verify your authorization to access our products.
  • Prevent fraud and misuse of our products.
  • Send you marketing messages or promotional content (with your consent).

b. Financial Information

We collect financial details including your bank account number, credit card number, and debit card number. This information helps us to:

  • Process payments for our products.
  • Prevent and mitigate fraud and misuse.
  • Enforce compliance with our website terms of use and other agreements.

c. Commercial Information

We keep records of the products or services you purchase, obtain, or consider. This information helps us to:

  • Enhance customer records.
  • Improve our products and evaluate their performance.
  • Conduct marketing activities and provide relevant advertisements.

d. Internet or Other Similar Network Activity

We monitor your browsing history, search history, and interactions with our website. This data helps us to:

  • Analyze trends and interactions with our products.
  • Improve our products and assess their performance.

e. Geolocation Data

We collect approximate location data based on your IP address and/or Wi-Fi networks. This information is used to:

  • Enable or restrict access to our products.
  • Verify authorization to access our products.
  • Prevent fraud and unauthorized access.

f. Professional or Employment-Related Information

We collect details such as your job title and company information. This information is used to:

  • Enhance our records regarding who is permitted to access our services.

g. Legal Basis for Processing

  • Legitimate Interests: Includes activities like customer service support, marketing efforts, fraud prevention, and product improvement.
  • Contract Performance: Necessary for processing payments and enforcing our terms of use.
  • Consent: Used for sending marketing communications and promotional materials.
  • Fraud and Harm Prevention: Ensures the security and proper handling of financial data.

As a B2B Representative, we disclose the following Personal Information to these third parties for the specified purposes:

a. Categories and Types of Personal Information

This section outlines the types of personal information we collect from our customers, including:

  • Identifiers: Such as real name, postal address, email address, IP address, and phone number.
  • Financial Information: Including bank account numbers, credit card numbers, or debit card numbers.
  • Internet Activity: Such as browsing history, search history, and information on how consumers interact with our Website or advertisements.
  • Geolocation Data: Including general physical location derived from IP addresses and/or WiFi networks.
  • Professional or Employment Information: Such as job title and company details.

b. Categories of Parties to Whom We Disclose Information

This section outlines the various third parties with whom we may share customer information, including:

  • Service Providers
  • Third-Party Integration Partners
  • Our Corporate Affiliates
  • B2B Parties

c. Purpose for Disclosing Information

Here we explain why we might share customer information with third parties, such as:

  • To prevent fraud and unauthorized access to B2B Party Products
  • To enhance the security of our Products
  • At your request, to introduce you to third-party integration partners, our Affiliates, or other B2B Parties
  • To perform administrative functions for the Products, including payment processing and financing
  • To conduct internal research and analytics for product development and demonstration
  • To improve our Products and analyze our performance
  • To manage and maintain accounts, provide customer service, and ensure the security of our Products

For End Users

We do not control any Personal Information of End Users.

For Visitors

If you’re a Visitor, we handle your Personal Information as detailed below, based on specific legal grounds and purposes:

a. Identifiers

Types of Information: Real Name, Postal Address, Email Address, IP Address, Telephone Number

Purposes for Processing:

  • To fulfill a contract with you (e.g., processing an order)
  • To comply with legal obligations (e.g., tax reporting)
  • To prevent fraud and unauthorized access
  • To provide customer service
  • To perform administrative functions (e.g., account management)

Legal Bases:

  • Performance of a contract
  • Legal obligation
  • Legitimate interests (e.g., fraud prevention, security)

b. Internet or Other Similar Network Activity

Types of Information: Browsing history, search history, and details about interactions with the Website or advertisements (e.g., clicks, time spent on pages).

Purposes for Processing:

  • Enhancing the Website and overall user experience
  • Customizing content and advertisements
  • Analyzing user behavior (with your consent)

Legal Bases:

  • Legitimate interests (for website improvement)
  • Consent (for personalization and user behavior analysis)

c. Geolocation Data

Types of Information: General physical location inferred from your IP address and/or Wi-Fi networks.

Purposes for Processing:

  • Offering location-based services (with your consent)
  • Enhancing the Website and user experience (e.g., providing localized content)

Legal Bases:

  • Consent (for location-based services)
  • Legitimate interests (for website improvement)

d. Commercial Information

Types of Information: Records of products or services you have purchased, considered, or shown interest in, including your purchasing or consumption history.

Purposes for Processing:

  • Fulfilling contracts with you (e.g., processing your orders)
  • Customizing content and advertisements
  • Enhancing our products and services

Legal Bases:

  • Performance of a contract
  • Legitimate interests (for personalization and product improvement)

As a visitor to Auth-Analytics, we may share your Personal Information with specific third parties for the purposes outlined above.

a. Identifiers

  • Types of Information: Real name, IP address, email address
  • Purposes for Disclosing: To provide services like marketing and customer support
  • Categories of Recipients: Service Providers, Third-party integration partners, Our corporate Affiliates, and B2B Parties
  • Legal Basis: This outlines the role of service providers in managing and analyzing transactions, orders, and customer interactions.

b. Internet or Other Network Activity

  • Types of Information: Browsing history, search history, information on how consumers interact with the Website or advertisements
  • Purposes for Disclosing: To enhance the Website, evaluate our performance, and understand visitor trends and interests
  • Categories of Recipients: Service Providers
  • Legal Basis: To improve the website, analyze our performance, and learn about visitor trends and interests.

c. Geolocation Data

  • Types of Information: Approximate physical location based on IP address and/or wifi networks
  • Purposes for Disclosing: To enhance the Website, evaluate our performance, and understand customer trends and interests
  • Categories of Recipients: Service Providers
  • Legal Basis: To improve the website, analyze our performance, and learn about customer trends and interests.

Data in Aggregate, Deidentified, or Anonymized Form

At Auth-Analytics, we create aggregated, deidentified, or anonymized data from the information you provide. This data is used in line with applicable laws and regulations. Rest assured, we do not attempt to trace this data back to individual users.

Additional Uses of Your Information

Beyond the primary uses, we may use and disclose your information for the following purposes:

  • Compliance: We may share your information with public authorities, government agencies, or regulatory bodies to comply with court orders, laws, or legal processes, including responding to governmental or regulatory requests.
  • Rights Enforcement: Your information may be processed and disclosed to enforce our rights under any agreements governing our relationship with you. This includes exercising our rights for billing and collection purposes.
  • Protection: We may disclose your information if we believe it’s necessary to protect our rights, property, or safety, as well as that of our customers or others. This includes sharing information with other companies and organizations for fraud prevention and reducing credit risk.
  • Business Transfers: In certain situations permitted by applicable laws, we may transfer your information as part of a bankruptcy, merger, or similar transaction involving our business. This transfer won’t affect your rights under the law.

We prioritize the security and privacy of your information, ensuring it’s handled responsibly and in line with legal requirements.

Data Collected Through Automatic Data Collection Technologies at Auth-Analytics

As you explore and engage with Auth-Analytics, we use automated data gathering technologies to collect specific details about your device, browsing behavior, and usage patterns, including:

  • Approximate location based on IP address;
  • Device information such as IP address, protocol details, and sequence information;
  • Browser type and language;
  • Hardware model, operating system, application version, and device/browser data;
  • Domain name system requests;
  • Browsing history, duration on a domain, visit date/time, clicks count, and location data;
  • HTTP headers, application client/server banners.

Some of the information we automatically collect may include Personal Information or may be linked to Personal Information from other sources. These processes help us improve and our services, providing a more personalized and enhanced user experience by:

  • Measuring audience size and usage patterns;
  • Storing your preferences for a customized browsing experience;
  • Recognizing you when you return to our site.

We collect data automatically through various technologies:

  • Cookieless Tracking Technology: As you browse our website, a script operates to track your interactions. This script runs only during your visit and does not persist after you leave.
  • Cookies: When you visit our website, we may send a “cookie” to your browser. Cookies are small data files stored on your computer by web servers. They help us recognize your browser for easier navigation, remember your preferences, and enhance your user experience. You can manage cookie settings through your browser, though this may affect some website functionalities.

– Cookies can be persistent (remaining after you go offline) or session-based (deleted when you close your browser). We use both first-party cookies (set by us) and third-party cookies (set by authorized third parties).

Additionally, you can block non-essential cookies using cookie management tools on our website or opt-out through the methods outlined in the “Exercising Your Rights” section below.

How We Utilize Google Cookies and Tracking Technologies

We use Google Analytics to analyze your interactions with and our products, helping us refine and enhance your experience. Analytics cookies help us evaluate page performance, features, and new functionalities, providing valuable insights into user preferences.

Google Analytics may place cookies on your browser or device to collect this data, or it may access existing cookies. It might also receive information from Google-partnered apps you have installed. We do not combine this data with personally identifiable information. For details on managing data used by Google Analytics, visit Google’s Partner Sites Policy.

Google’s use of data collected by Google Analytics complies with their Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, ensuring your privacy and security. To learn more about how Google uses this data and how you can control the information shared with Google Analytics, visit Google’s Privacy Policy. If you wish to opt-out of Google Analytics entirely, you can install the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on.

Remember, you can block non-essential cookies during your visit to using cookie management tools or exercise your rights to opt-out of specific cookies as described in the “Exercising Your Rights” section below.

External Use of Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Auth-Analytics may feature content and links to third-party websites that use cookies and other tracking technologies. We do not control these third-party sites or their cookies, and our Privacy Policy does not apply to them. Please review the terms, conditions, and Privacy Policy of each third-party site to understand their data collection and usage practices, including their use of cookies. If you need help identifying the responsible third party, feel free to contact us using the details provided in the “Exercising Your Rights” section below.

Privacy Measures and Global Data Exchange

To carry out the Processing activities described earlier, we work with subcontractors who act as Processors on our behalf. These subcontractors are contractually obligated to handle your Personal Information according to our instructions, solely for the specified purposes, and only for the necessary duration.

Occasionally, these subcontractors may operate outside your data privacy jurisdiction. In such cases, Auth-Analytics adheres to internationally recognized frameworks like the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF), the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (Swiss-U.S. DPF) as established by the U.S. Department of Commerce.

We have certified our commitment to the EU-U.S. DPF Principles for data received from the European Union, the UK (including Gibraltar), and the Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles for data from Switzerland. In case of any discrepancies between this Privacy Policy and the EU-U.S. DPF Principles or Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles, the latter will take precedence.

For further details on our Data Privacy Framework program and certification, please visit

In some situations, we may be required to disclose Personal Information in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

We are committed to addressing any concerns related to the DPF Principles regarding the collection and use of your Personal Information. Individuals from the EU, UK, and Switzerland can direct inquiries or complaints regarding our handling of Personal Information under the DPF to us using the Contact Information provided in this Privacy Policy.

If your DPF Principles-related complaint remains unresolved or you need further assistance, you may contact JAMS, an alternative dispute resolution provider, at JAMS’ services are provided at no cost to you.

In certain circumstances described in Annex I to the DPF, you may pursue binding arbitration for complaints not resolved through our internal processes or through JAMS.

The Federal Trade Commission oversees our compliance with the DPF. We are also responsible for onward transfers to third parties that do not comply with the DPF unless the event causing the alleged harm was beyond our control.

For any questions or feedback regarding our international data transfer practices, please refer to the “Contact Information” section at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Impact of Withholding Personal Information

At Auth-Analytics, the data we collect as outlined in our Privacy Policy is crucial for maintaining a strong relationship with you. If you choose not to provide this information, it may limit our ability to:

  • Deliver our products and fulfill our commitments to you.
  • Comply with legal requirements.
  • Enter and maintain contracts with relevant parties.
  • Communicate effectively with you.

Securing and Storing Your Data

We prioritize the security of your Personal Information through various measures, including technical, administrative, and physical safeguards like data encryption. While we continuously update our security protocols, it’s important to recognize that no system is completely secure. We encourage you to stay vigilant in protecting your Personal Information.

Data Retention Policy

In line with applicable laws and your preferences, we retain your Personal Information only as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, as outlined in our Privacy Policy. This includes complying with legal obligations, preventing fraud, meeting tax and financial reporting requirements, and fulfilling contractual commitments with third parties, including those in B2B agreements.

Children Under the Age of 16

At Auth-Analytics, our website and products are designed for users aged 16 and above. We do not intentionally or unintentionally collect personal information from individuals under 16 years old. We do not knowingly gather, sell, or share personal data from minors under 16.

If you are under 16, please do not provide any personal information while using our website or products. If we become aware of any personal information collected from a child under 16 without parental consent, we will promptly delete it. If you believe we might have information about a child under 16, please contact us using the details provided in our Privacy Policy.

Your cooperation in ensuring the safety and privacy of minors online is greatly appreciated.

Your Privacy Rights

At Auth-Analytics, we value your privacy and strive to empower you with control over your personal information. Depending on your location and subject to applicable laws and certain conditions, you possess specific rights concerning your personal data:

  • Access Rights: You can verify if we process your personal information and, if so, access and obtain a copy of that data.
  • Rectification Rights: You can request corrections or updates to any incorrect, incomplete, or outdated personal information we hold.
  • Erasure Rights: Under specific circumstances, you can request the deletion of your personal data, provided it’s no longer necessary for legitimate business purposes or legal obligations.
  • Marketing Opt-Out: You can opt-out of direct marketing, targeted advertising, and the sale of your personal information to others for such purposes.
  • Opt-Out of Automated Profiling: You have the choice to opt-out of automated processing, including profiling, that has legal or significant effects on you.
  • Processing Restriction: You can request restrictions on the processing of your personal data in certain situations.
  • Objection Rights: You can object to the processing of your personal information in specific circumstances, such as for public interest, legitimate interests, or marketing activities.
  • Data Portability: In some cases, you can receive your personal data in a structured, machine-readable format and transfer it to another organization.
  • Consent Withdrawal: If processing relies on your consent, you have the right to withdraw it anytime.
  • Complaint Rights: If you believe we haven’t processed your personal information according to the law, you can file a complaint with us or the relevant supervisory authority. EU residents can also seek remedies through courts or file complaints with Supervisory Authorities.
  • Correction Rights: You can request corrections to any inaccuracies in the personal information we hold about you.
  • Promotional Offers Opt-Out: You have the right to opt-out of receiving promotional communications from us or third parties, excluding transaction-related communications like purchases or warranties.

Part II: Insights for Residents of Specific Jurisdictions

Details for Residents of US Privacy Law States

If you’re a resident of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, or Virginia—each referred to as a “US Privacy Law State”—we handle your Personal Information according to the specific privacy laws of your state, as outlined below:

  • For California residents: We comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, amended by the California Privacy Rights Act (CCPA).
  • For Colorado residents: Our practices align with the Colorado Privacy Act (CoPA).
  • For Connecticut residents: We operate within the guidelines of the Connecticut Personal Data Privacy and Online Monitoring Act (CPDP).
  • For Utah residents: We comply with the Utah Consumer Privacy Act, effective from December 31, 2023 (UCPA).
  • For Virginia residents: We abide by the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA).

If you reside in any of these US Privacy Law States, this section offers insights into our privacy practices and your rights as a resident. These details supplement the information in Part A of our Privacy Policy and, for California residents, the “Supplemental Information for California Residents” section below in this Privacy Policy. If there are any conflicts between the content in Part B and Part A of our Privacy Policy, the content in Part B prevails.

Personal Information Handling

At Auth-Analytics, we want to assure you that we do not sell your Personal Information. This means we do not transfer your Personal Information as an asset for any consideration, including during events such as bankruptcy, mergers, or similar business transitions.

Targeted Advertising and Behavioral Insights

In the context of US Privacy Law States, terms like “targeted advertising” and “behavioral insights” have specific meanings. They refer to displaying ads to you based on your Personal Information gathered over time from your activities across various non-affiliated websites, applications, or online platforms.

We do not share your Personal Information with third parties for targeted advertising or behavioral insights purposes. Additionally, we do not use your Personal Information for our own targeted advertising or behavioral insights initiatives. Your privacy and trust are paramount to us at Auth-Analytics.

Your Rights under US Privacy Law in Auth-Analytics

If you’re a resident in a US Privacy Law State, you have specific rights regarding how we manage your Personal Information. These rights, detailed below, are subject to the regulations outlined by these states. To learn more about exercising these rights, please refer to the “Exercising Your Rights” section at the end of our Privacy Policy.

  • Right to Information and Data Portability: You can request more information about the types of Personal Information we collect, sell, disclose, or share; the purposes for which this information was gathered, sold, disclosed, or shared; the sources of this data; and the third parties with whom we’ve shared it. You’re entitled to receive this information in a portable format, if technically feasible, allowing you to share it with another entity seamlessly.
  • Right to Opt-Out of Personal Information Sales: If our Privacy Policy indicates that we sell your Personal Information, you have the right to opt-out of these sales.
  • Right to Opt-Out of Targeted Advertising: Similarly, if our policy mentions that we use your Personal Information for targeted or cross-contextual advertising, you can opt-out of these practices.
  • Right to Withdraw Consent for Sensitive Personal Information: If we use your Sensitive Personal Information as described in our Privacy Policy, you have the right to withdraw your consent for us to use that data.
  • Right to Deletion: You can request the deletion of your Personal Information, though certain limitations may apply.
  • Right to Correct: If there are inaccuracies in the Personal Information we hold about you, you have the right to request corrections, within certain limitations.
  • Right to Non-Discrimination: Exercising your privacy rights will not result in discrimination from us. However, we may offer financial incentives related to the value of your Personal Information, provided certain conditions are met. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for details.
  • Right to Appeal: If you disagree with any decision regarding your privacy rights, you have the right to appeal.

Please note that if you’re a B2B Representative or an End User, and we act as a Processor for your Personal Information, the B2B Party you’re affiliated with is responsible for providing appropriate notices and disclosures regarding how they handle your Personal Information.

For California Residents:

If you’re a California resident, this section is specifically tailored to you. We handle your Personal Information according to the CCPA guidelines. This supplement complements the information already provided in Part A of our Privacy Policy and the “Information for Residents of All US Privacy Law States” section in Part B. In case of any conflict between those sections and this one, this section takes precedence.

Information Collection Notification

Types of Personal Data We Collect. Over the past year, we’ve gathered and may continue to gather various types of Personal Information about you, including Identifiers, Financial Information, Commercial Information, Internet activity, Geolocation data, and Professional or employment-related information. More details about each category and our sources for this information are available in the “Personal Information Collection and Sources” section of our Privacy Policy.

Purpose of Personal Data Collection and Use. We collect and use your Personal Information for specific business purposes, including sharing it with certain third parties. For further details, please refer to the “How We Use and Share Your Personal Information” section in our Privacy Policy.

Commercial Use of Personal Data. We do not sell or share your Personal Information with third parties for cross-context behavioral advertising purposes.

Retention Period for Personal Data. Your Personal Information is retained in accordance with the guidelines outlined in our “Data Retention” section of the Privacy Policy.

Sensitive Personal Data

While we handle sensitive Personal Information at Auth-Analytics, it’s considered as Personal Information under Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.121(d) since we use it without making inferences about a consumer’s characteristics.

California Shine the Light Law

California residents have the right to request a list of the types of Personal Information we’ve shared with third parties for direct marketing purposes over the past year, including the identities of those third parties. Details on how to request this list can be found in the “Exercising Your Rights” section at the end of our Privacy Policy.

Notice of Financial Incentives

We may offer programs related to the collection and use of Your Personal Information that qualify as “financial incentives” or “price or service differences” under the CCPA. To participate, you can refer someone through our referral program. If they meet the program’s criteria and enter an agreement with us, you could receive a one-time reward.

Participation in these incentives is voluntary, and you can opt-out at any time without facing discrimination. For more information on opting out of a financial incentive, please refer to the “Exercising Your Rights” section.

Your CCPA Rights

As a California resident, you have specific rights regarding the use and disclosure of Your Personal Information, detailed in the “Your Rights as a Resident of a US Privacy Law State” section of our Privacy Policy.

Additionally, if our “Sensitive Personal Information” section specifies that we process your sensitive personal data to make assessments about you, you have the right to limit this specific use of your sensitive information to certain permitted purposes under the CCPA. These purposes include:

  • Providing goods or services as expected by an average consumer.
  • Preventing, detecting, and investigating security incidents affecting the availability, authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality of stored or transmitted personal information.
  • Defending against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal actions directed towards us and taking legal action against those responsible.
  • Ensuring the physical safety of individuals.
  • Using data for short-term, temporary purposes, such as non-personalized advertising during your current interaction with us.
  • Performing services on our behalf.
  • Verifying or maintaining the quality and safety of products.
  • Using data for purposes that do not involve making assessments about you.

You can find more information on exercising these rights in the “Exercising Your Rights” section of our Privacy Policy.

For Delaware Residents:

As an Auth-Analytics user in Delaware, your privacy is a priority for us. We do not share your Personal Information with non-affiliated third parties unless explicitly stated in our Privacy Policy or allowed by law.

For Nevada Residents:

If you are a Nevada resident, your Personal Information is processed in compliance with the “Nevada Privacy of Information Collected on the Internet from Consumers Act.” You have the right to request that we do not sell certain Personal Information to specific third parties, even if it is not currently being sold. To exercise this right or be added to our internal Do Not Call List, please contact us at 833.256.4448 or through the information provided in this Privacy Notice.

Contact Information:

As per Nevada law, you can contact the Bureau of Consumer Protection, Office of the Nevada Attorney General, for privacy-related concerns. They can be reached at 555 E. Washington St., Suite 3900, Las Vegas, NV 89101. You can also contact them by phone at 702.486.3132 or toll-free at 888.434.9989, or through email at [email protected].

For Oregon Residents:

For our users in Oregon, we do not share your Personal Information and Browsing Information with non-affiliated third parties for marketing purposes unless you have given explicit consent after being informed by us.

For Vermont Residents:

Residents of Vermont, your privacy is protected by state law. We do not share your Personal Information and Browsing Information with non-affiliated third parties, except as permitted by Vermont law, such as for transaction processing or account maintenance. Additionally, we will not share information about your creditworthiness with our Affiliates without your authorization. For joint marketing in Vermont, only your name, contact information, and information about your transactions will be disclosed.

For Australia Residents:

For residents of Australia, your Personal Information is processed according to the Australian federal Privacy Act of 1988. If you have any concerns about how we handle complaints under this Policy, you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner for assistance.

Updates to Our Privacy Policy

At Auth-Analytics, we reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy at our discretion and without prior notice. Whenever changes occur, we will publish the updated Privacy Policy on our website and adjust the effective date accordingly. You can find the most recent revision date at the top of this page. To stay informed about any modifications to this Privacy Policy, please ensure we have your current, active, and valid email address. Alternatively, it’s your responsibility to regularly check our website and review this Privacy Policy for any updates.

Exercising Your Rights

If you wish to exercise your rights as outlined in this Privacy Policy or granted by applicable law, you can do so through the following methods:


Not every right can be exercised through a single method. Depending on the situation, you may need to use multiple methods to fully exercise your rights. If you’re uncertain about which method applies to a specific right, contact us using the provided email address.

To process your requests effectively, we need sufficient information to verify your identity and locate your Personal Information. Please provide detailed descriptions whenever possible to assist us in accurately locating your information. Without proper verification and identification of your Personal Information, we may be unable to fulfill your request. You can also authorize an agent to act on your behalf through written designation or power of attorney. However, we may still need you to verify your identity and confirm your agent’s authorization. Feel free to reach out to us using the provided contact methods for further assistance.

Contact Information

For any inquiries regarding our Privacy Policy, privacy practices, or other privacy-related matters, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We appreciate your questions and comments and are ready to help with any privacy concerns you may have.

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